
AI101: A hands-on workshop to A.I. and its application (early bird)


a hands-on training on concepts, methods, and applications of AI, covering tools like ChatGPT and StableDiffusion.


Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is currently the fastest growing field, with many applications across industries. This course provides a hands-on training on concepts, methods, and applications of AI, with a focus on practical implementations. We will start by exploring the development of A.I. in today’s IT world. We will then dive into the various types of AI, including narrow and general AI, and their applications in various industries.

We are going to cover all the hot topics in today’s A.I. scene including the A.I. generated content such as ChatGPT and MidJourney. Which are also the development of natural language processing, and computer vision. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the principles and practices of AI. As well as hands-on experience with building applications using various AI techniques and tools.

Whether you are pursuing a career in AI or want to gain a deeper understanding of this exciting field, this course is the perfect starting point.